Darkness Given Form
Imagery of the Dark Knight
Due to my inability to draw myself out of a wet paper bag, I've taken to bugging my buddies to draw for me. Sometimes, though, one of my friends will have an idea for a funny scene for Raulke, and will draw it. Here's a handful of the inspirations that my friends have had.
A headshot of Raulke, done by Shalaja on FFMUX. This is the picture on the index page here as well as the face shot on Raulke's WikiPage.
What the Pyreflies Know
Fascinated by the pyreflies at the Moonflow, Valcia entered the water and tried to get a closer look at them. Unfortunately, she stepped off an unseen ledge underwater, and she could not swim. Raulke happened along, luckily, and managed to fish her out before anything bad happened, and brought her back to Baron. Drawn by Valcia at FFMUX.
Into the Dark Sharp
Slightly different than the actual scene. Sent on a relief mission to Baron after Neo-Sin ate the city, Raulke managed to find time to visit Mist, where Valcia was recovering from the shock of seeing her home destroyed. Unable to sit by idly while she fell apart, Raulke did his best to comfort her. Drawn by Valcia at FFMUX.
When a Knight....
Some time ago, Valcia sent a gift to Raulke from Baron. It was a snow globe with a Fang in it. She wrapped it in a green handkerchief to protect it during travel, and in the letter accompanying it, she said that Raulke need not send it back if he didn't want to. He didn't. In fact, he began wearing it tied around his upper arm. Valcia's player and I agreed that when she finally found out why he did that (as she saw it when he came to Mist), she would be quite embarrassed. And probably very touched. Drawn by Valcia at FFMUX.
Smile For Me
Sketch of Valcia with an arm around Raulke. Drawn by Valcia at FFMUX.
Want to draw a picture of Raulke? Great! Get in touch with me via the FFMUX Forums. My username is, of course, Raulke.
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